Child #1 right now- Eating breakfast (my blog time!) and trying to look around me 'cause I'm blocking his view of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Seriously.
My side of the closet. Actually I get the whole thing. It's practically a walk-in in case you can't tell! hehe :)) Also, the sparse clothing is because right now all my regular clothes are packed away and I have a shortage of maternity things! hehe I guess it keeps my choice of what to wear everyday easy!
My Toilet! Nice eh!? Yes, that is a FULL trash can! Also, Holden's other favorite toys in the house are on the left side of the toilet.
Child #2- It was feeling a little shy so this is the best picture I could get! Only 7 weeks to go! Man, it won't come soon enough!
My Frigidaire! Front is for Holden's artwork and for our abandoned scripture reading charts! The right side is for coupons, calendars and my weight chart! hehe The right side is to hide dishes that are either in the sink or drying on the counter top! This fridge has multiple uses!
My favorite room. A nice place to hang out especially with the new couch addition! Good for reading and naps! Holden's favorite room too...this is where he communes with higher powers such as Little Einsteins and Backyardigans. Very important!
Laundry Room-'s actually in the back of the bathroom...but we take what we can get. It also serves as a storage space for Holden's bathtub (Big Duck!) The duck especially likes to sit on the dryer when it's going because it's nice and warm! :)
Favorite shoes! Yeah...some of my favs...unfortunately I can't wear them too often because right now being prego...they aren't too comfy! Also, I LOVE Holden's Sunday shoes so I put those in here too!
Kitchen Sink! Not much to say...but I do have Emilie's sippy cup sitting in the window. She may get it back one day! Also, our sink I don't know if you can see but we cut off a bottle nipple and attached it to the faucet to serve as a short-term remedy. Brilliant!
Thanks for the tag Emilie. I actually had fun doing this one! I now tag- hmmmm...Tiffany, Kim, Christina, Amy (this should be interesting!!! lol)- that takes care of family and I also tag Shannon P., cause I think she'll actually do it! hehe
4th of July Fun!
We seriously had such a great 4th weekend. My family decided to do a HUGE family camp out. It was seriously one of the most fun times I have had in a long time. (not to downplay other fun times...but this was just plain awesome!) We started the night with a big barbecue...with steaks, hot dogs...not to mention the bratwurst. (sp?) We had a ton of fruit, drinks, chips and last but not least...treats galore! We finished dinner and we got ready for the camping part.
Every family brought a tent to sleep in...of course the kids also slept outside the tents to really "rough" it! So we set up tents and then my BIL John brought his projector and we watched a movie on a huge screen my dad had. It was so much fun to sit outside in the nice weather, watching a movie. While we watched the movie, my little bro Christian had built a firepit and we roasted marshmallows and ate s'mores. We didn't have a ton of wood so the fire went being the modern day girl that I am...I turned on the grill and roasted my marshmallows over the grill. WAAAY easier and faster...not to mention I got a nice crisp outside and soft inside! Nicely done! The kids loved it and had so much fun being outside and with the cousins. Holden couldn't get enough of the big screen!
We had so much fun telling ghost stories that night and when the kids fell asleep, I stayed up with my sisters just chatting until 4:30 am. We finally crashed and slept very well....that is until the kids woke up at about 6:30-7:00 am. NOT FUN! lol But I was able to tune them out and sleep until 9:00 am. I'm good at that...just ask Holden! We got up and got breakfast going. Tiffany made big breakfast casseroles and Kim made Blueberry pancakes! I lended my cooking skills to them by cutting up fruit! I'm a master! It was a great breakfast. This is Christian )little bro) serenading Holden at breakfast. Holden was so mesmerized by Christian's singing and playing. He would just sit by Christian and stare at him. Christian also had a memorable time finding out he had his first broken finger. Poor kid. After that we cleaned up and just hung out for a while. Growing up music was such a beautiful and big part of our family. We really haven't done a ton with music for a long time. We were in the living room and I asked my mom (who always used to play her guitar as we'd sing) to play a song for Holden. She began playing and singing to Holden! He loved it. Other grand kids came in and we all began to sing. This lead to my other sisters coming in and singing 2 and 3 part harmony songs that we had learned when we were young. It was so fun to bring back some of those memories! I told my mom she needs to bring out that guitar more! I miss those days!After spending a little more time together, we packed up and headed for home. Josh and I decided to spend the night with some neighbor friends. A few families pitched in to buy fireworks. We all got together and had fireworks and an awesome treat table! We were with the Smiths, Thaxtons, Wongs and the Nielsons! It was a blast. Holden was very cautious about the fireworks and just started to cry every time there was a screamer. He made it through though. I caught a picture with tears rolling down his face! Good times! hehe Josh and I got separate pics with Holden with the fireworks in the background, but by the time we got the family pic, the fireworks were well. We actually started pretty early(about 7 pm) and ended at about 9:30. We cleaned up and we were ready for a night of relaxation. In past years, we always do fireworks a lot later, and when you finish you're so tired etc. But it was nice to get them done, put Holden to bed and then Josh and I had time to relax together. We got in bed...and Josh read Harry Potter to me for a while. I of course fell asleep very fast, but it was a nice ending to a great holiday! Thanks to our neighbors for a really fun night!