Holden is really in a stage right now where he is exploring his world and is learning very quickly the things that he is capable of doing himself! Once he finds he can do it himself, he rarely wants help! (Great for him, frustrating for mom and dad sometimes! :)) ) He will go to the bookshelf and pull down his books, read them and then pile them back on the shelf. I wish he could speed things up and learn how to change his diaper himself! :)) lol But I'll take what help I can get!
Finger Paintin' Fool
AFTER his bath...I don't know why I do things like this AFTER a bath, but I did. Just like when I gave him a bath, put STICKY Eucerin lotion on him and THEN decided to give him a haircut...the hair did NOT come off easily! Anyways...I decided that it was time to pull out some finger paint and paper I had bought a while back for when Holden was "old enough" to want to finger paint. Let's just say, I don't know if he's old enough yet, but he seemed fine enough with it.
Painting away(well, it was after he painted and I cleaned him up!)...or eating away...one of the two.
It did take some coaching and me getting my fingers into it for him to trust getting his fingers dirty. He finally broke down, but would only dip the very end tip of his finger in the paint and drag it around. Better than nuthin' I guess. Man, I gotta get that kid outside in a dirt pile to play so the other little boys don't make fun of him! :)
After finishing, I posted the pic on the fridge. Unfortunately, Holden could reach it, so I had to remove everything on the upper part of the fridge and give it the full spotlight it deserved. You can see where mommy MAY have helped Holden a bit in his painting endeavors!Proud of his artwork!
Then to celebrate, I turned on the ITunes and we danced for a good long while, helping to tire him out for a nap! Ahh...Peace! :)Orange "All Over" Julius!
This morning I thought I would make Josh a yummy Orange Julius from a recipe that my friend Camille had posted on her blog. It was yummy yummy! Josh had some, I had some and guess who was feeling left out!? So, to appease the little Master Holden, I put him in his chair to drink some of the goodness. I knew it wouldn't work through a sippy cup, so I took the lid off and hoped for the best.
This is his Orange Julius mustache!
Drinking from the cup without sippy top! Not too bad...UNTIL!
Applebees Blondies and Macaroni Grill Rosemary Bread
Drinking from the cup without sippy top! Not too bad...UNTIL!
He actually did really well for the first few sips- but then his independent side took over in a flash. He saw me reaching to help him because he was spilling a little and WHOAAAA did that cause a reaction!!! He started shaking the cup up and down extremely fast trying to make sure I wouldn't get it. Well as you all know, without a lid, the OJ didn't stay put very long in that cup! Before I knew it, I had OJulius all over me, it was on the floor, the high chair and of course- ALL over Holden. It was pouring all down the front of him. He was so shocked he just looked at me with HUGE eyes, then started to cry. Evidently- he could feel it running down his body and his arms and did not like that one bit.
He HATES to be dirty. If there is one little thing on his face when I feed him his oatmeal in the morning, he will use his hands to wipe his face until he feels clean. Kind of like a little cat I guess! :) Well, all I could do was laugh because all I could think was, "it serves him right!" I was only trying to help and he freaks out! lol Then after laughing, I decided to be a good mommy and clean him up! I took the empty cup away...and you can guess...it led to a RIVER of tears! My oh my...we are really going through a stage right now. It's the same if I give him anything sweet...the second it's gone- he WAILS! Not mad cry at all...but the kind of cry that makes you think that his heart has just been broken! What is a mommy to do? :)) Well, I let him cry, then try to distract him to something new. If that doesn't work, all I gotta say is that he has spent many "1 minute" segments in his crib! LOL
Applebees Blondies and Macaroni Grill Rosemary Bread
So I've been on a kick to make some fun food. No not necessarily healthy food, just yummy food. Josh had the idea to make a dessert on Sunday. So he picked Blondies. I then recommended we see if we could find the Applebees recipe online. Well, a million calories, and grams of fat later, we found it! :)
This is Josh just thinking of how yummy it will taste in his mouth!
Then yesterday with spaghetti, I thought it would be fun to have some good bread. So I got the fake Macaroni Grill recipe for the bread. Not too shabby! Yum...a little Olive oil and Balsamic vinegar and we were in heaven!
Rosemary Bread
Ultra Alien Sound
We had our first Ultra sound last week and it was great! I saw so many things and was assured that everything looked normal and healthy with the baby. If you see anything in the pics..please don't say because to us we see the major things and don't want to know if it's a boy or girl! I just thought these pics were awesome.
We had our first Ultra sound last week and it was great! I saw so many things and was assured that everything looked normal and healthy with the baby. If you see anything in the pics..please don't say because to us we see the major things and don't want to know if it's a boy or girl! I just thought these pics were awesome.
The first is of the legs, bum and back. Way cool pose kiddo!
The next is of the little scrawny legs crossed.
The last- my favorite...is of the alien looking face! The baby gets all its looks from dad! :))
We only hope it comes out this cute!
Time with Grandpa Loveridge
Holden and I went to my Aunt Susan's house with my dad to pick up my Grandma. This is just a pic of Holden and Grandpa! It always takes a little time for Holden to warm up- then he's a gem! He really seems to love the men in the family- and in general for that matter. I think it's because they play chase and throw him around unlike any woman could ever do! lol
So cute! I love your blog :) Congrats on baby #2!
Carrie-I just noticed your blog when I was lookingon facebook-what a cute family you have! Congrats on baby #2! We have baby #4 coming anytime now. If you want to check out my blog, it is http://www.beckeeandwes.blogspot.com/
Wow - where do I begin??? Way to catch up on so much stuff!
I can't believe how big Holden is getting... man, Ava is still going through the independend stage - now it takes us forever to go anywhere, because she insists on putting everything on herself... heaven help us when she wants to start doing her own hair! I have to say though, that I'd rather have an independent kid than one who wants to be super pampered all the time!
That is also way funny about him not wanting to get dirty. Ava is weird about stuff like that too. She only likes to get dirty when it's her choice... if something touches her accidentally - watch out... she is relentless until you clean EVERY SINGLE CRUMB off her little pinky.
And your sweet little baby is so adorable. I know ultrasounds look crazy, but you can just imagine a little yummy baby hangin' out in there... oh, I am so excited for you guys. Holden is such a mellow and sweet kid, maybe this next one will keep you on your toes!
You and Josh are sure cute to always make such fun foods... where do you get your ideas all the time??? You'll have to send those recipes my way, our cookbook is way OVERUSED!
We love you guys and will see you in just a couple weeks! Thanks for the update!
Good job on all the new foods. I totally want the rosemary bread recipe. And I'm impressed with Holden's mad skills. He's an awesome kid. And I can't tell what the baby is. Those ultrasounds, I swear. How are you supposed to tell anything?
Alright Carrie, maybe you should spend a little less time blogging and a little more time calling your friends...it's Friday and you still haven't called me to work out. SLACKER! oh wait...I'm supposed to call you...
You'll have to give me your rosemary bread recipe! I've been trying to clone MG's bread for a while! Did you know if you order a loaf of there bread from the to-go counter they'll give it to you for free?! Not that I take advantage of that. =)
Love seeing the pictures and hearing about what you've been up to! The little Alien is adorable! =) I was pretty sure I saw a boy part, but turned out it was just a leg.
LOL Good to know....do you know you could have saved me hours Em? lol Dang...nice work! And yeah...all those boy parts can get confusing!
Hey! Thanks for sharing! The ultrasound pics are so fun. That always made it feel so "real" for me to see a little BAMBINO kickin' around in there! Can't wait for little "Noelia" to join the crew! Kisses!
Carrie, your message last night cracked me up. It eased my pain about the fact that we are absolute failures. That's all there is to it.
I'm gonna try some reverse psych: Lets NEVER hang out. EVER. Lets not even acknowledge each other.
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