Friday, March 19, 2010

Hold on to Your Seats Folks! Part 1

Yes, it's true! I'm back and after an almost year break, I am going to make this as quick and painless as I possibly can. This year has flown like crazy. We have moved to a new place and are loving it. Josh is studying like mad and we continue to love and adore Holden and Gabriel! Life is good! So, here goes, starting with :

Gabriel's Year 2009 in Review!


Always LOVES bathtime! Sometimes, tight quarters with Holden in the shower!

First Easter! Lovin' the bunny ears on him!

May, June and July 2009!

Racing cars with Holden and hugs with dad!

He knows the meaning of licking the plate clean! Piggy back rides with dad!

August- September 2009

In our new bathtub!! A LOT more room! He loves the hippo!

Playin' outside and "pretending" to be scared of the giant shark!

Dinosaur museum with the fam! Waking up happy!

Loving the warm weather and splash grounds!

More fun at the Aquarium! Does not like to be strapped in a stroller!

Gabriel's 1st Birthday in August 2009!!!

All in all, he had a great birthday with all of the family- cousins included! Loved the chocolate animal cake! Finger lickin' good!

October- November 2009

Triceratops!!?? Of course it had to be a dinosaur! He had the growl down pat!

Discovering new things...getting stuck in new hiding places! Needin' a haircut BADLY!

November-December 2009

Fun at the Festival of Trees. Not havin' fun playing the "horse" to Holden's wreath carriage!

Loving Christmas with the extended family! My handsome boys!

See that little slot? Would you believe that Gabriel managed to fit all of those toys inside? Yeah, he hid his toothbrush there too! Doing a puzzle...or undoing a puzzle know...


Kim said...

Loved the post. It's so fun to see them change when you've got a whole year's worth of pictures all together. It does make me think we don't get to see you often enough, however. Come see us! :)