Thursday, November 13, 2008

October Around Our House!

Well, it's been a while since I posted so, I'm just gonna "highlight" some activities with some pics! Dunno how short this is gonna be! (or how long!)

One morning my cousin Bryan called us up to invite us to his parents house for a breakfast! We had good food and good company.

I always cut Josh's hair...except when he gets it cut on a lunch break...which..come to think of it is happening more often now. hmmm... Well... that's beside the point! Anyways...I would cut Holden's but he cries 'cause he hates the electric clippers, so I decided this time to take him to a "professional". hehe Anyways, he cried the whole time there too.. and now I've decided I can do just as horrible of a job by myself! :)) Lesson learned.

I got a snap shot of Holden's favorite past time. Seriously. Not Kidding. When Holden is bored, he will drag me to the closet where I keep the vacuum. He thinks it is a game...and his favorite game at that! Usually in the morning I will humor him and pull it out..and we do our daily vacuuming. But as the day goes on, we have a lot of tears as I try to explain to him that we've already vacuumed that day. He doesn't get it and is heart broken. lol The thing I can't believe is that he can not only lift the big vacuum by himself, but that he can push it all around and actually vacuum! Man, this kid thing isn't so bad..expecially when he does MY chores! :))

Holden figuring out hiding places!
Here's Gabriel's "I'm telling on Holden" face. lol He is a very patient kid with a big brother who loves to play with him!

A fun event to go to is the witches display at Gardner Village. I went last year with my sisters, so I took Josh this year. This is Josh having a good time! :))

Holden had fun running around. He loved the witches that moved the very best! He especially loved the witch that was hiding a cat under her skirt! heheGabriel on the other hand just chilled in the stroller.
And don't ask me how he did it, but somehow Josh found a shark in one of the shops. Seriously...he can go anywhere and find a shark! hehe I find cute nice things for Holden...he finds sharks...I guess it's a dad's job!

We met for our big family FHE at Tim and Tiff's house. We had our annual Haunted Gingerbread House Event! :) Tiff made the most yummy soup and we all went to town with the thousands of pounds of candy! :)

Holden actually had so much fun. Except he was more into eating his house than building it. I built the house but he did all of the decorating! I was so proud of him!

Gabriel just chilled with the other babies! Maybe next year he'll get his own house!

We also had a beautiful day for Holden's blessing. Our next door neighbors and good friends Jim and Bethany Smith offered to host our family's big day. They were so welcoming and wonderful to complete strangers! Thank you again! It was a blessing to have most of my family there (we missed you Amy, Marshall and fam, and Johnny 5) and Josh's mom, dad, aunt's and uncles.( We missed you Joey, Maribel and Jeana!) But Josh gave a beautiful blessing and the lunch after was so nice. Thank you sooo much to everyone for the wonderful food you brought. I know (especially in certain cases) that your sacrifices of time were great to prepare the food you brought. We definitely have some amazing cooks in our family. But the part is oc course our sweet Gabriel. We are so blessed to have him in our family. He is so darling and is getting his cute personality, laughing and babbling all of the time now. I can't believe how fast time flies. I can't imagine our family without him!

Now for the actual Halloween festivities!

A couple of nights before Halloween, I got these cute pumpkin bread bowls. I forgot to get the soup to put in them, so Josh had the great idea to toast them and put spaghetti in them. It was soooo yummy!

I made our costumes this year. Holden was a spider (the costume I made him last year), Gabriel was a sushi roll, and Josh and I were Egyptian...well...hmm...Egyption people. hehe Some would say King Tut, or Cleopatra...whatever suits your fancy! They turned out soooo awesome it was fun to wear them. Only downside, I was sewing 'til 4:00 amd the night before and up until we went trick or treating with the kids! hehe Oh much for procrastination!

We also went trick or treating down Center Street in Provo- good times!

At night while trick or treating, we went to visit some old friends in the RR 1st Ward. The handsome man pictured with me and Josh is Bro. Heinz. He and is wife are two amazing people who have been such an awesome example to me and Josh. Great people! We're glad to have him assigned to our ward as a high councilman.
We've had a busy month, and I feel like I'm already behind for November, but we're happy and healthy and adjusting to life with a second child and loving it!


Rachel said...

Incredible! You have been so busy! Those haunted gingerbread houses are impressive and such a clever idea to do as a group! Your costumes are awesome, too Wow! Thanks for the update and all the awesome pics!