Friday, October 26, 2007

SpiderHolden Preview!

Okay, so yesterday I spent about 8 hours with my friend Camille sewing Holden's spider costume. I sewed while she unpicked my mistakes! l0l Her job was more time consuming than mine! Poor girl. She was amazing though and such a huge part of the success of the costume. I don't want to spoil it before Halloween, so these are just a couple of pics to give you an idea of the traumatic process we went through! :)

Also, her little boy Christian is almost the same age as Holden (10.5 months) and they had sooo much fun together playing. Whatever Christian would do, Holden would just follow him around and copy him. They were laughing and having such a good time. Thanks to that, neither child fell asleep 'til around midnight. An exhausting day for them I'm sure! But it's so fun for Holden to get out of the house, especially to play with a little boy his age. I think this is a start to a great friendship!

While on that subject, I hadn't seen Camille for such a long time. She is a great friend from my mission. We were never companions, but we lived together a couple of times throughout the mission. We had such a good time just talking and laughing. It's nice to have someone like that around even if only for a few months. We'll enjoy it while it lasts! I feel so happy today and renewed. I love people like that that can just lift your spirits just by being around them.

So, now that I have my second wind, I'll finish the final touches on the costume and get ready for tomorrow's Old Witch activity. Can't wait to see all of the other costumes that I've been hearing about- Wizard of Oz characters and Ava's butterfly costume. I love Halloween! I also have to say that making this outfit made me feel like a real mom. lol I remember mom and her hours she spent making costumes for not only Halloween but for school plays and other activities. Man, the long, late hours- I feel like I've finally arrived! Well, at least in the sewing department. The rest is still a progression! Who cares if I can only sew straight lines- Holden will never know the difference, only that I took the time to make it! And that's what kids notice- the time we take to do things for them. It could probably be the ugliest outfit in the world, but as long as mom makes it, it's the best! So, all you moms making these outfits- don't stress if they're not perfect (although I'm sure with the talent in our family they will be)- your efforts are noticed. Kids are amazing and such a blessing! Okay, I'm done- now- on to the pics!!


Kim said...

he is yummy and chewy!!! I can't wait to bite his little spider cheeks!!! Carrie you're amazing to attempt sewing! I tried it with Ashley's costume this can see the result on the loveridge blog...or up close and personal with the black witch tomorrow. See you then if you're not comin' to Ashley's party!! --

Marshall said...

Carrie - he's so adorable! Is he walking already?? I can't tell in the pics, but he really has gotten so big! Ava's gonna have fun with him!
The costume is so cute! Good work! It's soo much cuter than I had imagined! (And, bytheway, I didn't make ava a butterfly... I went to this great place called Target and bought her $5 wings...) I guess I am attempting to make a toole skirt... we'll see how that works!